Stuff my Granny Said Cards

Jaysus, look at the head on yer man
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Would you ever stop talking such shite
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Sweet Jesus who left the immersion on
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We're suckin Diesel now
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Enough Cheek for a Second Arse - Card
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Grand yeah, ok bye bye bye
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That sea is Baltic. The arse is frozen off me
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I have a right pain in me face with the lot of ye - Card
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A Swift Kick would sort that (M)
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A Swift Kick would sort that (W)
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Ikea me arse, I'll build it meself
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Turn off them feckin lights it's like Las Vegas in here
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This fella couldn't carry a tune in a bucket
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I may as well be talking to the wall
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Drive it like you're late for Mass
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I'm telling ya, he'd rob the eye out of your head and come back for the eyelashes
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D'ya see him? He'd ride himself if he could turn fast enough
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To be honest I can't be Arsed
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Ya better ask your mother
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Stuff My Granny Said - Cards
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